Is your dancer performing with multiple classes in the same show?

Find our important details and hints below:

  1. Be sure they know what each dance number is (ex: Ballet is #4 and Jazz is # 8) and put it on TYPED PAPER. Label with a costume description, color tights, shoes, and hair piece.

  2. Everything should be LABELLED and placed into a labelled laundry basket. When your dancer changes, they can put everything into their laundry basket so nothing gets lost!

  3. Are they wearing pink and tan tights? This should be their order when dressing: TAN tights-FIRST, NUDE CAMISOLE-SECOND, PINK tights-LAST (if needed).

  4. NUDE camisoles are REQUIRED for any dancers who are changing backstage. These can be bought at the studio, online, or at other dance retail stores.

  5. They should arrive at the theatre dressed and ready for their FIRST dance.

  6. All dancers with changes will be placed in a special room located directly behind the stage. We will have multiple helpers and changing tents to ensure everyone gets changed in time.

  7. No one will miss their dance! We have a Stage Right checklist for each dance to ensure that ALL dancers will be onstage!